5 thoughts on “Chuck Palaniuk Strikes Again

  1. V-bunny

    That’s incredible. I don’t know if I want to read it more now after that story or if I should avoid it. I think I have a pretty strong stomach but I have to admit that some books do really affect me almost physically. One that comes to mind immediately is Coin Locker Babies by the other Murakami, but with a title like that, I should’ve been a little more expectant. I had to put it down a couple of times, it was so bleak and nihilistic but I finished it. I’m not sure if I would recommend it to other people though. It left me feeling kind of hollow and blurry at the edges.


  2. Hulles

    Hmmm, I can write so people feel “kind of hollow and blurry at the edges” but I am still aspiring to make them faint in the subway. I’m not giving up though.


  3. V-bunny

    Mmmm, months later, now that I’m rolling through your old entries to find a book review I remembered you wrote, I am happy (or not happy) to report that I could not resist the lure and read the Palaniuk story. And, the verdict is, it made me extremely nauseous. Possible, if I were already faint with hunger, I can definitely see some fainting going on. It wasn’t just that the story involves a really twisted and gross situation, but the lengths to which he describes it clinches it. I had to skim the last couple of paragraphs through my fingers. I could barely stand it. Yeah, don’t read this on the edge of a subway platform, or near food.


  4. delilah

    I rather enjoyed ‘Haunted’… I felt the style was original and refreshing… The only part that made me sick was when I read that the three stories in ‘guts’ was based on true events…now thats disturbing!!!


  5. delilah

    I rather enjoyed ‘Haunted’… I felt the style was original and refreshing… The only part that made me sick was when I read that the three stories in ‘guts’ were based on true events…now thats disturbing!!!


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